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The Original Detox Gum! 2 - Pack

The Original Detox Gum! 2 - Pack

Regular price $45.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $45.00 AUD
Sale Sold out

Highlights -
 10X more powerful than any other saliva detox

Formulated and designed to quickly, effectively and safely remove any unwanted toxins or

Scents from your mouth immediately

Built with all natural ingredients
Non medicated so can cross state and international lines.

The cleanest, most discreet and con

Packaging -
Dispensary and food grade, foil lined, child proof and resealable

Removable labels for discretion an

Lot and batch number stamps proving it was manufactured in
clean facilities (FDA approved)

10X more powerful than any other saliva detox on the market.

to quickly, effectively and safely remove any unwanted toxins or

scents from your mouth immediately
Built with all natural ingredients and is gluten free
Non medicated so can cross state and international lines.
The cleanest, most discreet and convenient delivery method

Dispensary and food grade, foil lined, child proof and resealable
Removable labels for discretion and anonymity
stamps proving it was manufactured and packaged at FDA approved

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